
Everyday Lives, Extraordinary Music!

My Philadelphia Debut recital sponsored by Astral Artists is finally happening on December 5, 2021 in American Philosophical Society at 3 p.m. If you are in the area, please come!

I named the program “Everyday Lives, Extraordinary Music!” The goal of this particular program is to unveil hidden treasures in the flute literature and spotlight the lesser performed pieces by master composers. I brought these intriguing pieces together which were inspired by other songs: a poetic paraphrase from Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, affable Schubert’s art songs re-conceptualized by Theobald Boehm, and folk songs re-envisioned by Beethoven and Joachim Andersen. From folk to operatic tunes, these musical works represent everyday emotions of our daily lives: love, despair, joy, and longing.

The crème de la crème of today’s performance is the world-premiere of American Composer Shawn Okpebholo’s On a Painting by Henry Ossawa Tanner: The Thankful Poor. Shawn’s new work captures the complex emotions of the working class beautifully:  the ongoing war between hope and struggles depicted in the painting. This piece was written for me in 2020 with the generous support of Astral Artists. Thanks to Shawn’s masterly writing and understanding of the instrument, the new work has endless potential and charm. I have no doubt that this piece will become every flutist’s key solo repertoire. 

Tchaikovsky (arr. Kim) | Lensky’s Aria

Okpebholo | On a Painting by Henry Ossawa Tanner: The Thankful Poor

Beethoven | 6 National Airs and Variations, Op. 105

Schubert (arr. Boehm) | Gute Nacht & Die Taubenpost

Andersen | Etude No. 4, Op. 21

Andersen | Ballade et danse des sylphes, Op. 5